Category: Training

  • Be A Coach, Not A Trainer

    How To Be A Great Coach (How to select the right coach for you!)   Primum non nocere- “First, do no harm.” As a Firefighter/Paramedic, I am a medical professional. It is my primary responsibility to help, but more importantly, to consider the possible harm that any intervention might do. I am ethically and legally…

  • Environment For Success- Gymnastic Bodies Master Class

    Environment For Success- Gymnastic Bodies Master Class

    This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to be invited by Coach Christopher Sommer, creator of Gymnastic Bodies, to a master class at Awaken Gymnastics in Denver. I first met Coach Sommer in December of 2013 at a seminar and was instantly hooked on gymnastic strength training. The two-day master class was designed to coach…